Busk Ye, My Bonnie Bride. D. Ray McClellan, David Fung

GWQ 2016 Ready for the CD Release

Teaching Fernanda Santos in class at Semina de Musica. Natal, Brazil.

GWQ @ 2010

GWQ Semi-Chill


JanFest Masterclass some time between 2002 and 2016 :).

Great time w/ Ben Sung and Jihye Chang

Old friend, Diana Haskell, Saint Louis Symphony.


The first Clarinet Academy of the South which later became "of America". Katie Brown taking copious notes. Brian Wilmer in the background.

The Joy of Semina de Musica!

Bartok with Ben Sung and Regina Yamaguchi at Semina de Musica.

One of the first CAAs with John Coppa

w/ Emeline and old friend Jon Manasse in NYC

Original Dream Team

GWQ in Full Chill

Semina de Musica - a great and memorable class!

Senior members looking "anything but" . . . go GWQ

with Ben and Jihye

Semina de Musica

Tim the Wonderful and Sarah the Fabulous. It's about the music and so much more. Ask us why when you have 30 minutes to spare.

With Robert DiLutis, my great partner in crime. At Clarinet Academy of America we ALL learn.
D. Ray McClellan
D. Ray McClellan | Professor of Clarinet | Hugh Hodgson School of Music | University of Georgia | 250 River RoadAthens, GA 30606 | mccleldr@uga.edu